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Titel: Aplicação de metodologias ágeis com foco em SCRUM E KANBAN na gestão de projetos de um laboratório de fabricação digital
Sonstige Titel: Application of agile methodologies with focus on SCRUM AND KANBAN in the project management of a digital fabrication lab
Application of agile methodologies with focus on SCRUM AND KANBAN in the project management of a digital fabrication lab
Autor(en): Barbosa, Kethelen Tamara Braga
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor1: Kimura Junior, Almir
Stichwörter: Método;Método;Motivação;Motivação;Organização;Organização;Agilidade;Agilidade;Method;Method;Motivation;Motivation;Organization;Organization;Agility;Agility
Erscheinungsdatum: 31-Mär-2023
Herausgeber: Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
metadata.dc.description.resumo: Este trabalho visa a aplicação das metodologias ágeis, Scrum e Kanban em um projeto do laboratório de fabricação digital do Ocean Manaus que tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um vaso inteligente. O laboratório estudado, não possuía previamente metodologias para o acompanhamento, o que gerava atraso nas entregas de todos os projetos. Por conta disso, a escolha da utilização da metodologia Scrum deu-se por intuito de agilizar o desenvolvimento dos protótipos, aspirando melhorias no processo, e por o Scrum ter como característica principal a ênfase na comunicação em tempo real e a documentação reduzida, quando comparada com outras metodologias. Já a utilização do Kanban junto com o Scrum, foi aplicado no projeto piloto por seu formato de quadro utilizado, que vem para auxiliar o acompanhamento do fluxo de demandas utilizado no Scrum. Visando esses benefícios, essa pesquisa tem como justificativa aplicar os princípios básicos do Scrum no desenvolvimento do projeto já citado e utilizar de um acompanhamento visual com o Kanban, e com isso, espera-se obter uma maior organização e eficiência do time, visando redução do tempo de entregas e aumentando a assertividade na execução. Por tanto, essa pesquisa fundamenta-se por intermédio de uma abordagem qualitativa de natureza aplicada, com objetivo descritivo e como aplicação do tipo estudo de caso. Com a aplicação, os principais resultados encontrados foram com relação a realização de entregas contínuas feitas durante o desenvolvimento, definição de prazos para entrega dos projetos e entendimento por parte do time com relação aos benefícios da utilização das metodologias.
Zusammenfassung: This work aims at the application of agile methodologies, Scrum and Kanban in a project at the Ocean Manaus digital fabrication laboratory, which aims to develop an intelligent vessel. The laboratory studied did not previously have methodologies for monitoring, which caused delays in the delivery of all projects. Because of this, the choice of using the Scrum methodology was made in order to speed up the development of prototypes, aspiring to improvements in the process, and because Scrum has as its main characteristic the emphasis on communication in real time and reduced documentation, when compared to with other methodologies. The use of Kanban together with Scrum was applied in the pilot project due to its format of the board used, which helps to monitor the flow of demands used in Scrum. Aiming at these benefits, this research is justified by applying the basic principles of Scrum in the development of the aforementioned project and using a visual follow-up with Kanban, and with that, it is expected to obtain a greater organization and efficiency of the Team, aiming at reducing the delivery time and increasing assertiveness in execution. Therefore, this research is based on a qualitative approach of an applied nature, with a descriptive objective and as a case study application. With the application, the main results found were related to continuous deliveries made during development, definition of deadlines for project delivery and understanding by the Team regarding the benefits of using the methodologies.
This work aims at the application of agile methodologies, Scrum and Kanban in a project at the Ocean Manaus digital fabrication laboratory, which aims to develop an intelligent vessel. The laboratory studied did not previously have methodologies for monitoring, which caused delays in the delivery of all projects. Because of this, the choice of using the Scrum methodology was made in order to speed up the development of prototypes, aspiring to improvements in the process, and because Scrum has as its main characteristic the emphasis on communication in real time and reduced documentation, when compared to with other methodologies. The use of Kanban together with Scrum was applied in the pilot project due to its format of the board used, which helps to monitor the flow of demands used in Scrum. Aiming at these benefits, this research is justified by applying the basic principles of Scrum in the development of the aforementioned project and using a visual follow-up with Kanban, and with that, it is expected to obtain a greater organization and efficiency of the Team, aiming at reducing the delivery time and increasing assertiveness in execution. Therefore, this research is based on a qualitative approach of an applied nature, with a descriptive objective and as a case study application. With the application, the main results found were related to continuous deliveries made during development, definition of deadlines for project delivery and understanding by the Team regarding the benefits of using the methodologies.
URI: http://repositorioinstitucional.uea.edu.br//handle/riuea/4689
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:EST - Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso Graduação

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