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dc.contributor.authorBarbosa, Ana Paula Castro-
dc.identifier.citationBARBOSA, Ana Paula Castro. Diversidade linguística na internet: o caso do léxico no twitter - um estudo a partir do falante manauara. 2018. 24 f. TCC (Graduação em Letras) - Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Manaus.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractThis article aims to analyse the semantic-lexical perspectives found in profiles of the social network Twitter. To do so, we make use of the theoretical basis of Labov (1972), Monteiro (2008), Oliveira (2009), Aragão (2013), Tarallo (1986), among other theoretical theoretical contributions. The idea is to make a semantic-lexical survey of ten words used by Twitter users in order to verify whether such terms also appear in other practices sociocommunicative practices of informants. In order to achieve this objective, firstly, a a collection of terms in this social network, and then applied a questionnaire to ten speakers manauaras, five men and five women, college students, aged 18-35 years, who could, through this instrument, reflect on the use of words and expressions of Twitter in their everyday activities. The results reveal that the speech of social networks reaches other communication realizations, exerting great influence on the language of informants. We hope, with this research, contribute to the sociolinguistic investigations conducted in the city of Manaus, highlighting the virtual space as a speech community in which its users share norms of language use, for example, the meanings attributed to some terms to some terms that have appeared on the internet. Keywords: lexicon; semantic-lexical variation; Twitter This article aims to analyse the semantic-lexical perspectives found in profiles of the social network Twitter. To do so, we make use of the theoretical basis of Labov (1972), Monteiro (2008), Oliveira (2009), Aragão (2013), Tarallo (1986), among other theoretical theoretical contributions. The idea is to make a semantic-lexical survey of ten words used by Twitter users in order to verify whether such terms also appear in other practices sociocommunicative practices of informants. In order to achieve this objective, firstly, a a collection of terms in this social network, and then applied a questionnaire to ten speakers manauaras, five men and five women, college students, aged 18-35 years, who could, through this instrument, reflect on the use of words and expressions of Twitter in their everyday activities. The results reveal that the speech of social networks reaches other communication realizations, exerting great influence on the language of informants. We hope, with this research, contribute to the sociolinguistic investigations conducted in the city of Manaus, highlighting the virtual space as a speech community in which its users share norms of language use, for example, the meanings attributed to some terms to some terms that have appeared on the internet. Keywords: lexicon; semantic-lexical variation; Twitter.pt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Estado do Amazonaspt_BR
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopt_BR
dc.subjectVariação semântico-lexicalpt_BR
dc.titleDiversidade linguística na internet: o caso do léxico no twitter - um estudo a partir do falante manauarapt_BR
dc.title.alternativeLinguistic diversity on the internet: the case of the twitter lexicon - a study from the Manauara speakerpt_BR
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Cursopt_BR
dc.contributor.advisor1Silva, Jeiviane Justiniano da-
dc.description.resumoO presente artigo pretende analisar as perspectivas semântico-lexicais encontradas em perfis da rede social Twitter. Para tanto, valemo-nos do embasamento teórico de Labov (1972), Monteiro (2008), Oliveira (2009), Aragão (2013), Tarallo (1986), entre outros aportes teóricos. A ideia é fazer um levantamento semântico-lexical de dez vocábulos utilizados por usuários do Twitter, a fim de verificar se tais termos também aparecem em outras práticas sociocomunicativas dos informantes. Para atingir esse objetivo, primeiramente, foi realizada uma coleta de termos nessa rede social e, depois, aplicou-se um questionário a dez falantes manauaras, cinco homens e cinco mulheres, universitários, na faixa etária de 18 a 35 anos, que puderam, por meio desse instrumento, refletir sobre o uso de vocábulos e expressões do Twitter em suas atividades corriqueiras. Os resultados revelam que a fala das redes sociais atinge outras realizações de comunicação, exercendo grande influência na linguagem dos informantes. Esperamos, com esta pesquisa, contribuir com as investigações sociolinguísticas realizadas na cidade de Manaus, destacando o espaço virtual como uma comunidade de fala em que seus usuários compartilham normas de uso da língua, a exemplo, dos sentidos atribuídos a alguns termos surgidos na internet. Palavras-chave: léxico; variação semântico-lexical; Twitter.pt_BR
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